Privacy Policy
  • At Alterego, we are deeply committed to safeguarding and prioritizing the privacy of our users. We understand the importance of protecting personal information and strictly adhere to privacy principles and best practices. We have implemented robust security measures and encryption protocols to ensure that user data remains confidential and secure. We have implemented stringent measures to ensure that user data is handled securely and responsibly and that individuals have control over their own information.
  • Alterego Technology Limited privacy policy pertains to how your personal information is handled when using our website. Your ability to access without personal information being revealed is present. While browsing our website, we may have to collect information like name and email address that will help us provide you with better services, tailored to you. Alterego Technology Limited adopts reasonable security measures to safeguard your personal information.
  • Upon your request, we may also send emailers as and when you provide your email ID with us. You can, at any given point, discontinue receiving these emails by notifying us and we will immediately remove you from our mailing list.
  • We do not share any of your personal information with any third party for any reason without your prior permission. We, however, may disclose your information to legal or regulatory authorities for compliance purposes.

We provide links to external and third-party websites. These websites may not be affiliated with Alterego and are not under our control. We cannot accept responsibility for the conduct of companies linked to our website. Before disclosing your personal information on any other website, we advise you to read their terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Contact our Data Protection Officer

We understand the importance of providing avenues for users to address their data privacy concerns. To facilitate effective communication and ensure transparency, we have appointed a dedicated Data Privacy Officer (DPO) who serves as a point of contact for privacy-related inquiries and requests. Our DPO is responsible for overseeing data protection matters, addressing user inquiries, and ensuring compliance with relevant privacy laws and regulations.

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